Upgrade to Precision Photolithography
Does your company manufacture MEMS devices or utilize thin or thick film processing or any other older technology?
Many older methods are used for many reasons, such as cost, depth of focus, substrate handling, custom fixturing and processing. Many devices or processes could benefit from smaller geometries provided by optical lithography. There are limiting factors that keep some companies from moving to this platform. Reasons vary but are usually based on the inflexibility of standard steppers and scanners. That is where Enhanced Production Technologies can help!
Our team possesses a wide range of experience and talent that allows us to supply you with a custom modified photolithography tool that can enhance your products, processes and future designs.
We have designed many custom upgrades and features to stand optical lithography tools from steppers at 0.35µ-2µ and scanners down to 0.18µ.These include custom substrate loaders, i.e. square, clear wafer, thin wafer, thick wafer, and even random pieces.
We can modify loaders, chucks, optics, depth of focus, etc., almost anything it might take to make a higher precision tool run your devices and/or processes to allow for smaller geometries and better performance.
We are flexible enough to work with any budget and small or large jobs. OEMs are interested only in very large orders to do any customization. We will work with your constraints to make you successful!
Ask us!!!
We can design almost any electro-mechanical system you might need for your specific production needs. We are at our best when the job is difficult!
Contact us today and let us tell you how we can help!